VA Class A Contractor #2705004942

Vinyl Siding Installation

Moss Home Improvement and RoofingThe Moss Home Improvement and Roofing siding team provide years of experience and quality care to each home project. They are highly trained and provide a level of artistry to their work. Do you want Board and Batten siding? Single Beaded siding? Dutch Lap siding? If a homeowner desires a particular siding effect, then the Moss team can do it. All it takes is your imagination!

All Moss Home Improvement and Roofing siding installations are licensed and insured. The license provides a way for the homeowner to contact the state if poor work has been performed. Our liability Insurance coverage means that you and your house is protected in the event of a project related accident. Moss goes over and beyond want you need in coverage.

We take care of the permits as well as the homeowner. When your contractor secures the necessary work permits, anything he does must meet the minimums of the State code. If you secure permits for your contractor, then you must ensure that your project meets the minimum of the State code. If you must ensure the minimums, then your paid contractor is off the hook! Moss Home Improvement and Roofing provides exceptional work that exceeds the State code. We take care of our homeowners. We never leave them hanging.

A Free Estimate and the Budget
Moss Home Improvement and Roofing offers a free estimate for homeowners interested in shopping for a good contractor. We encourage shopping. Moss is competitive and we provide realistic estimates for siding installation. We measure and we accurately price, so you don’t get an unexpected charge when the work is completed.